
Everyone here is feeling the full effects of a Flu right now 🙁

But – What better remedy for all that ails you than to cuddle up with your son in bed, lap-top laying across your chest, searching for wild, wacky and hilarious videos on YouTube?

Well it seems that the Michael Jackson Thriller Album is celebrating its 25th Anniversary (the new 25th Anniversary album debuted yesterday – click here to see the new album & listen to some of the remixes). I grew up on Michael … totally convinced that I was going to marry him one day. I am sure glad that didn’t happen … but I am still enamored by his music, his dancing and his lyrics. And so are people from around the world … Here are some of our finds:

(To begin viewing the following goodies, you may want to revist the original Thriller video here first).

Fun, huh??? And there are so many more. So, do yourself a favor and take some time out to surf YouTube. It brings so much joy 🙂 We are feeling better already!

Some of the “Surprise” Wedding Dances will have you in stitches… here, here and here. They make me want to re-do my boring wedding dance over again (Michael Bolton’s Soul Provider. Go ahead – feel sorry for me – but it was a sign of the times).

Enjoy the Day,

Jodi Renshaw

About Jodi Renshaw

Jodi is a homeschooling Mom, a photographer, a wife, and a proud resident of the city of Bangor. She spends part of her time working at a locally-owned shop in the downtown area, part of her time homeschooling her favorite young man, and most of her time behind a camera lens. She often writes about adoption, family life, homeschooling, and community.